Let Us Help With Arthritis, Cancer and Anxiety!
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Here is a brief explanation of the different treatments we perform
and its possible effects on the
well being of an individual:

1.    Sound Therapy

    Sound Therapy refers to a range of therapies in which sound is used to treat physical and mental conditions. It is used to treat stress, muscle tension, physical and emotional disorders, joint pain such as arthritis, back pain, sports injuries, soft tissue damage and cancer. 

Music is one component of this therapy. When a person's healthy resonant frequency is out of balance, physical and emotional health is affected.

Treatment by sound waves is believed to restore that healthy balance to the body. Healing is done by transmitting beneficial sound to the affected area. The healing sound may be produced by electronic equipment, voice or the ancient Tibetan Singing Bowls, all of which are used during CHA Therapy.

2.  Vibrational Therapy

    Vibrational therapies such as  cymatics have been compared to Acupressure. An instrument is placed on a point of the body and beneficial sound is directed at that point. The sound directed through the skin is believed to establish healthy resonance in unhealthy tissue. The vibration releases the blocked nerve centers and enables the body to re-activate all its self-healing capabilities.

Benefits of Sound and Vibration Therapy:

Sound and vibration therapy focuses on balancing energy to treat a condition. Advocates maintain that sound therapy is effective in treating such conditions as stress, anxiety, high blood pressure, depression, autism and many other illness’s and chronic diseases. 

Physical conditions treated by sound therapy include pain during labor, muscle and joint pain such as arthritis, back pain, sports injuries, soft tissue damage, headaches, fibromyalgia, cancer, to name just a few.

3.  Visual (Light) Therapy

    Track lighting with changing colors is applied depending on the needs of the patients and to support the release of blocked energy centers in the body.  Bathing the body in a light massage for your skin and molecules, light therapy or Photon Therapy, is based on years of research in the fields of Einstein’s Nobel Prize winning discovery of photo-electric, tissue optics and quantum biology.

Researchers have found that light actually activates the body's own healing capability at the cellular and molecular levels. At this cellular level the photons of light are transformed into ATP which is the life force or energy currency of all living bodies. This is why people feel re-charged and revitalized after light therapy sessions. 

Visual Therapy is introduced to help your brain reach a Theta state while undergoing the Cha Therapy.  Soothing pictures based on your particular tastes and likes will come across the screen as you listen to mellowing sounds.

4.  Aroma Therapy

    Aromatherapy is the practice of using volatile plant oils, including essential oils, for psychological and physical     wellbeing.

Essential oils, the pure essence of a plant, have been found to provide both psychological and physical benefits when used correctly and safely.

5.  Neuro Linguistic Programming

    Neuro linguistic programming (NLP) is an exciting field based on several disciplines including neurology, psychology, linguistics and cybernetics systems theory.

    What this means simply is that we each have a nervous system (CNS) and we all process information through it. We see, hear, smell, touch and feel. That is, we take information in through our senses. Everything we experience whether it is subconsciously or consciously is through our senses.

    Everything we process mentally is coded, filed and given meaning. This meaning becomes evident in our language. What we say verbally (internal dialogue and the out loud spoken word) and our external language or body language. Linguistic simply means that the neural representations become something meaningful as represented in our words and actions.

    We organize our language and neurological systems in order to achieve specific outcomes. We are patterns, we are programs and we can learn to make alterations and modifications.

We can tweak our attitudes and behaviors in a non threatening, non pathological way when we begin to view our minds as software. We can take charge of our programming. NLP can be utilized to maximize potential and reach today's goals and/or to soften yesterdays' hurts and put old memories into their rightful place.

6.    Touchless Massage

The CHA Therapy Shiatsu Chair

    Sit, relax and enjoy a touch less body massage (neck, back, shoulders, arms, buttocks, thighs, calves, legs, ankles and feet). The chair first analyses your body shape, height, weight and physics. Then, with the help of the therapist, the appropriate massage form, intensity and endurance will be decided to make your treatment as relaxing and refreshing as possible.


A Shiatsu Chair massage restores flexibility, relieves tired aching muscles, and reduces tension, which results in total body relaxation, while the above described treatments are performed.

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